Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Numbers less than one trillion containing '99'

How many numbers less than one trillion (10^12) have two or more consecutive nines in their digits?

1 comment:

  1. The answer is 97,038,694,279.

    Let f(n) be the number of n-digit numbers (with leading zeros allowed) that contain two consecutive nines.

    Let n>2 be given, and let S be the set of all n-digit numbers that contain two consecutive nines.

    If an n-digit number starts with 99 then it belongs to S, and there are 10^(n-2) such numbers.

    The number of elements in S that begin with a single 9 is 9*f(n-2), because there are nine choices for the second digit (0-8) and there are f(n-2) ways to complete the remaining n-2 digits.

    The number of elements in S that do not begin with 9 is 9*f(n-1), because there are nine choices for the first digit (0-8) and there are f(n-1) ways to complete the remaining n-1 digits.

    Therefore f(n) = 9*f(n-1) + 9*f(n-2) + 10^(n-2). We can use this recurrence to rapidly calculate f(12).

    f(1) = 0
    f(2) = 1
    f(3) = 9*1+0+10 = 19
    f(4) = 9*19+9*1+100 = 280
    f(12) = 97,038,694,279
